Superstitions, Biotechnology, GM crops etc.
first-cousin, Dr.T. Ravindranathan who was an authority in Synthetic organic
chemistry and had retired from the National Chemical Laboratory Pune, as Deputy Director a few years back, suggested to me that I should perhaps write on Superstitions outside the
traditional realm of religion. The reason was that both of us have
independently come to a conclusion that a lot of effort by governmental and
non-governmental organisations are being wasted in eradicating conventional superstitious
beliefs, rituals and customs though they are far from being of any significant
influence in our society anymore, barring, say, among a lunatic fringe
consisting of stray individuals. At the same time there are new superstitions
coming up and spreading virally on the strength of their association with the
so-called “scientific views”. For this reason they are far more dangerous of
the superstitions of the ignorant and emotional people. We need to attack these
modern superstitions more vigorously.
would agree with me that after Independence, thanks to the long freedom
struggle organised by leaders who were political activists-cum-social
reformers, the worst evil prevalent in the majority community of Hindus who comprised
85% or more of India’s population - the caste system – had begun to crumble.
The philosophy of caste-system was almost destroyed, leaving only the
morphology. But the dynamics of Indian democracy in the later years revived the
caste system as a political tool in the hands of the “brown raj” with its own
“divide and rule” policy to garner votes. Now caste system is defended as the
be-all and end-all of social justice! A system of reverse discrimination is
firmly in place as described as “scientific” and politically correct to boot.
I meant by describing above was that progress can produce its own
retrogression. I am worried that it is spreading to areas outside the realm of
politics and sociology. Science appears to have generated its own regressive
clones which are potentially as harmful to humanity as the other variety I touched
upon. Environmental Science has a deadly clone of superstitious ‘environmentalism’
with its hair-splitting pseudoscience and illogicality currently trying to
undermine every aspect of development in the world. From Dr.Vandana Shiva and
Medha Patkar to innumerable compatriots of mine in Kerala (most of them without
any science-education), ‘practice’ in this field spreading “under-cooked” and
ill-digested information, many indeed generally scaring people away from even fruits,
vegetables and of course, soft-drinks but almost carefully ignoring the non-vegetarian
fare and sometimes even promoting consumption of cow’s meat in the name of
valuable nutrition for the poor and under-nourished, unmindful of whether the
animals are diseased or not!
regularly come across reading material from KP Prabhakaran Nair, a former boss
of Monsanto thrashing biotechnology to hurt Monsanto mainly, and have wondered
at his assertions bordering on total lack of faith in biotechnology unless it
is contributing to development of GMO in China, not known so far for any
serious concern for environment as against economic development! Monsanto
ignores him, though. Latest I read in the genre was an interview in Sunday
Times of 2nd November 2014, by Suman Sahai who heads the NGO ‘Gene
Campaign’, and notably a geneticist and someone who has also won the “Norman
Borlaug Award” (an award given to recognize
exceptional, science-based achievement in international agriculture and food
production etc.?) winner! Norman Borlaug was n American biologist, humanitarian
and Nobel laureate who has been called "the father of the Green
Revolution", "agriculture's greatest spokesperson" and "The
Man Who Saved A Billion Lives", Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of
the World Food Prize as we know him. He had developed successive generations of
wheat varieties with broad and stable disease resistance, broad adaptation to
growing conditions across many degrees of latitude, and with exceedingly high
yield potential. Suman Sahai’s problem is that she suspects or believes in the toxicity
and allergenicity in GM foods, and worries about the interruption in the natural process by biotechnology
in this pursuit!
man has been applying biotechnology since the dawn of civilization! Modern biotechnology
is simply using living systems to give society better or drugs, foods and other
products. Unfortunately, there is much misinformation, misunderstanding and
confusion about biotechnology, giving rise to needless anxiety. The situation
also obscures any real hazards that might exist as well as possible means of
controlling them. A basic understanding of the techniques and goals of
biotechnology research is important for deciding the merits of concerns and proposed
solutions. Our understanding of science, especially genetics, has advanced currently
to the extent we can optimize specific genes and traits to provide even greater
benefits while reducing or eliminating undesirable features. Removing toxicity
and allergenicity are basic in any serious GMO research! Biotechnology, based
on recombinant DNA (rDNA), is called Gene Splicing, Genetic Engineering (GE) or
Genetic Modification (GM), giving rise to genetically modified organisms (GMO)
such as Bt Cotton, Bt brinjal and so on. Seeds are developed in laboratories
and field-tested for long periods of time to ensure that the plants eventually enhance
nutritional value or resistance to drought, disease and herbicides. Molecular
plant breeding can provide higher precision to increase crop yield and
nutritional enhancements at little or no additional cost. There are other
carefully tailored improvements like better flavours and longer ripening period
etc., all possible in shorter time.
study by noted scientist Charles Benbrook of the Washington State University
published in Environmental Sciences Europe claiming substantial use of
pesticide use in the US since the introduction of genetically modified crops many
years ago is perhaps the source of similar claims by various people in our
media because I am not aware of any serious study into this area in India. After
the controversial Seralini GM maize study (originally published in Food and
Chemical Toxicology (Elsevier) in September 2012 which the scientific community
generally considered was without proper statistical refereeing, and also using
obscure methods and reporting) and questions about the safety of foods made
from genetically modified crops, Benbrook’s was another line of attack on
biotechnology claiming that GM crops were environmentally unfriendly,
interestingly by the fierce critic of crop biotechnology that he was, who claimed
that the public data showed pesticide use steadily increasing in the US since
GM crops were introduced in the 1990s.
coverage of the Benbrook study comprised selective presentations from anti-GM
journalists; some at organic publisher Rodale. It was a pity the context
provided by more mainstream sources like Reuters, which uncritically echoed a
report under the title “GMO crop technology backfires” was very damaging.
Interestingly, a former University of California Davis scientist Steve Savage, had
reached astonishingly at a far different conclusion from the alarmist view, and
while confirming a very modest multi-year increase in the use of some less
toxic versions of pesticides than the ones used earlier, he viewed it as a sign
of significant environmental progress! It seems the horrors Benbrook arrived at
came from subjective estimates of herbicide use from data provided by the US
National Agricultural Statistics Service which didn’t differentiate between GM
and non-GM crops! Well, breaking down Benbrook’s numbers some researchers have also
found that pesticide use is actually falling on a yield per hectare basis—aligning
with what biotech proponents have predicted would happen! More specifically, Graham
Brookes of PG Economics, a UK consultancy firm(Dorchester) crunched the almost
identical data and published a peer reviewed report that found GM crops possibly
reducing worldwide pesticide use by 9.1 per cent!
responsible newspaper like the Time of India should have weighed and
contextualized the view provided by Ms.Sahai. For instance, Ms.Sahai is suspicious
of the refined Soya oil India is importing, ignoring the scientific fact that cooking
oils from GM corn, soy or canola will provide lower saturated fat content, and
making it possible for us to eat French fries with fewer calories. GM potatoes
with enhanced starch content absorb less fat during frying. Ms. Sahai says high-fructose
corn syrup (HFCS) is unhealthy and associated with metabolic disturbances; but HFCS
is basically the same as sugar, in terms of composition as well as in the
number of calories they contain. Since HFCS and sugar are so similar, the human
body absorbs them the same way! She has probably read a 2004 study which had misunderstand
chemistry, and draw erroneous conclusions. (A former CPM Member of Parliament
once wrote an article in Mangalam Daily extolling the virtues of the alcohol
manufactured in Cuba from molasses-fermentation, topping it with a fantastic
nonsense like its energy output being higher than the alcohol we produce in
India using the same process! I wrote to the paper, but they would rather
believe the influential politician than me; and I stopped subscribing to the
paper!) Ms.Sahai should also know that sensitive new testing kits can detect
tiny amounts of potentially harmful toxic contaminants in foods and India
certainly has the competence in this field.
most successful defender of GM food I have heard was a young woman scientist in
the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Biotechnology in Thiruvananthapuram: she vanquished
in about five minutes three vociferous GMO-haters thumping French & American
books and holding forth before a sympathetic anchorperson on a TV programme.
It is a pity that institutions like hers do very little public awareness activity.
However, gradually there is an environmental consensus emerging on relative
safety of GM crops, irrespective of well-publicised alarmist opposition to GM
crops that GM crops do not pose unmanageable environmental threats. It is
agreed that crops bred for a natural resistance to pests harm biodiversity less
than conventional crops because glyphosate, the pesticide used in conjunction
with GM crops, is less persistent in the environment and less toxic to animals.
In 2004, the International Union for Conservation of Nature called for a halt
to the release of GM organisms, but its 2007 report said that there was “no
conclusive evidence of direct negative impacts on biodiversity of GMOs that
have been commercially released”. By 2010, the once sceptical US National
Research Council Reporter agreed that “Generally, GM crops have had fewer
adverse effects on the environment than non-GM crops produced conventionally”;
the European Union report summarizing 10 years of research, also concluding
that GM crops were not ”per se more risky”.
farmers see emergence of new weed varieties, or resistant new weedicides like glyphosate,
remember, that is a problem in conventional agriculture from time immemorial.
The worry about the “Superweeds” is perhaps only a temporary reflection of the
current market reality that farmers have a limited menu of GM crops to choose
from. With a larger variety of crops using different pesticides,
resistant-specific weeds are less likely to emerge. New plant varieties developed
using biotechnology and biologically protected against insects and diseases are
now on the world market helping farmers hard-pressed to maintain efficient
production with fewer chemical pesticides etc. Leaner meats will come from
cattle and pigs improved both directly and through improved feeds. As the
knowledge of molecular genetics increases, the ability to improve the foods and
farming will increasingly benefit farmers and consumers alike. As the farm
economy will improve, removing hunger from the world, and consumers will
benefit by more diverse, more nutritious, more abundant and less expensive food.
let me ask you, are people like Ms. Sahai deliberately spreading misinformation,
ignorant, or superstitious in a “scientific” way? I searched Wikipedia for
getting a little more information on Ms.Sahai’s claims to fame to be
interviewed by the Sunday Times. I was astonished to gather that “In April
2013, Sahai was shown to have committed plagiarism in her habilitation thesis in
human genetics which was submitted to the University of Heidelberg in 1986(Sahai,
Suman: Elucidation of the role of neurotransmitter glutamate in normal and
abnormal mental function) On 14 April, 2013, the University of Heidelberg
confirmed that plagiarism had taken place, that Sahai has no right to call
herself a professor of the University of Heidelberg, and that in consequence
Sahai had agreed to renounce her venia legend. In addition, she was accused of
presenting herself as being or having been a professor at that University, without
ever actually having occupied such a position. Now is she a winner of the
Norman Borlaug Award? As per The Hindu report she was winner of the 2004 award bestowed
by the Coromandel Fertilizers along with one I.V.Subba Rao, a soil scientist; and
repeats the grievous error that Ms.Sahai was Professor at Heidelberg!
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