“Knowledge acquired out of English is not harmful but the
Anglicization penetrated into the youth is dangerous”, said BJP chief Rajnath
Singh as he bemoaned the system of education introduced by the British in India
eroding our cultural values and stymieing the growth of Sanskrit in the
Country. The ToI report of this news on July 20th, 2013 averred that
it was not in keeping with the commitment to “modern social order and dynamic
growth” BJP projected. Rational prejudice – the kind of hostility towards
certain ideas rooted in a well-defined ideology is very much in display in the
newspaper report.
“All that was good and living within us was made, shaped and
quickened by…British rule” Nirad C Chaudhuri, the brilliant though
controversial writer had opined. Nradbabu, however, found that the anglicised
upper-middle class leadership of the ruling Congress party “weak in character,
mediocre in intellectual ability, and totally lacking idealism and public
spirit”. I am sure those who run the ToI News Network do not want to share that
But then there was nothing contrarian in the BJP chef’s
opinion. In fact it was something which every second politician, social scientist,
educationist and economist in this country has been airing since Independence. Mulayam
Singh Yadav had always vowed to work against the use of English in education
and even computers and hopes that abolition of "expensive education in
English" would create a level playing field for all and less use of
computers would generate jobs. The Samajwadi Party is a supporter of the UPA
Government, the harbinger of “dynamic growth” in India. The Communists had
opposed computers for 25 years!
During the Freedom struggle, most stalwarts of the
Independence movement had asserted that free India that is Bharat will have a
National Language of its own, and experiment with the educational system
Gandhiji envisioned (Nai Talim - Basic Education) and not Macaulay’s system prevalent
in the British India. In an interview Gandhiji had said: “To give millions
knowledge of English is to enslave them. The foundation that Macaulay laid of
education has enslaved us.” In his view, the schools and colleges were only
factories for turning out clerks for British Government. He foresaw that in
such an educational system Indian children would be alienated from their
cultural template and 'career-based thinking' would become dominant. That is
what eventually happened! The products of the high-voltage English-medium Convent
education come out as arrogant, self-seeking, and self-serving brats who visibly
lacked the proverbial Indian tolerance of oddities and broadness of sympathy. I
remember somebody writing that English is less of a language than an operating
system like Windows. S/He also pointed out that speaking and writing good
English ensures 300% higher employment outcomes for entry-level jobs! S/He was
not indeed arguing against mother tongues, but presenting a case for being
multilingual. Point taken.
It may be relevant to add here that while the Gandhian Basic
system was running, it was reported that compared to the English Medium
Schools, the children in Basic Schools were more active, cheerful,
self-reliant, with well-developed power of self-expression. They were found to
be acquiring habits of co-operative work and social prejudices were breaking
An honest review of
the statements of even the ruling elite of the Nehruvian era and thereafter too
will reveal that this was a kind of collective anxiety of the nation – that the
uncontrolled invasion by the Western civilization would engulf our cherished
The Father of our Nation said once: “I am and I have been a
determined opponent of modern civilization. I want you to turn your eyes today
upon what is going on in Europe and if you have come to the conclusion that
Europe is today groaning under the heels of modern civilization, then you and your
elders will have to think twice before you can emulate that civilization in our
Motherland. But I have been told: "How can we help it, seeing that our
rulers bring that culture to our Motherland?" Do not make any mistake
about it at all. I do not for one moment believe that it is for any rulers to
bring that culture to you unless you are prepared to accept it, and if it be
that the rulers bring that culture before us, I think that we have forces
within ourselves to enable us to reject that culture.”(Speeches and Writings of Mahatma
Gandhi, pp. 312, 313; 27-4-15) He continues elsewhere: “Of all the
superstitions that affect India, none is so great as that a knowledge of the
English language is necessary for imbibing ideas of liberty, and developing accuracy
of thought.”
Gandhiji’s warnings against the British Education system were
prophetic. The educational system his “truant and errant” political disciple allowed
to run in India was a continuation of the British one. The results are for
everyone to see: It made them see western education as superior and destroyed
the pride they in their own languages and culture. Perhaps that is what makes
the English language and the British sysstem of education dear to so-called
liberal-Left combine who have largely abandoned connections with the nation’s
deeper meaning system. Macaulay had openly claimed that the major goal of his
system of education was disintegration of the coherent Hindu social ethos…Eventually
English education, particularly imparted by the Convents, taught Indians
self-contempt. The syllabi and the teaching persuaded native Indians the ideals
of Western civilization, and made them despise every other, particularly their
own. Particularly, the
political left has by and large abandoned Indian history, tradition, and
culture, perhaps in pursuit of their lopsided agenda for “fundamentally
transforming Indian society”.
Reporting the discovery of several Urdu Gazals Veer Savarkar
wrote during his 11-year incarceration in the Andaman Jail, the ToI reporter
couldn’t withhold her ‘view’: ….”there is much surprise that Savarkar has
written in fluent Urdu, a language considered unlikely for the champion of
political Hindutva.” Urdu, was indeed the socio-administrative requirement of
Muslim conquerors who plundered, pillaged and looted before deciding to settle
down around Delhi. Urdu drew its vocabulary mostly from Turkish, Persian and
Arabic. While Persian was the official language of Mughals, it was the British who
made Urdu the lingua franca in northern India since 1837. Naturally, the Hindu
elite too chose to learn and speak Urdu along with the Muslims then. It is said
however, that linguistic supremacy of Urdu, a rootless wonder, imposed over
regional languages became a permanent source of irritant for the Hindus. The
founder of Aligarh Muslim University, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, was so obsessed with
Urdu, that he projected it as a symbol of Muslim domination over the cultural
and linguistic identity of India. Savarkar was not against Urdu as a language,
but as a symbol of this kind. After the establishment of Pakistan, Urdu was
declared as the language of “100 million Muslims”. In hostile symbiosis with
this attitude Hindu nationalist began to move towards Sanskritised Hindi which the
South Indians happen to grasp easily too. When the Indian Muslim League and all
the Communal Muslims speak against our National Language and support Urdu, and
Communists and the so-called liberal-Left politicians back them, it becomes
difficult for the “Hindu nationalists” to applaud.
It was obviously Rajnath Singh’s reference to the richness of
Sanskrit language and about the poor state of affairs of the “Mother of all our
languages” in India that is Bharat, which irritated the “secular” ToI News
Network. Let me remind them, Sir Monier-Williams (1819-1899) an Orientalist,
professor of Sanskrit at Oxford in his book Hinduism, and no pro-Hindu
nationalist described Sanskrit as “the only vehicle of Hindu mythology,
philosophy, law, the mirror in which all the creeds, opinions, and customs and
usages of the Hindus are faithfully reflected and the only quarry whence the
requisite materials may be obtained for improving the vernaculars or for
expressing important religious and scientific ideas."
Jawaharlal Nehru wrote "The Sanskrit language… is of a
wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin
and more exquisitely refined than either: yet bearing to both of them a
stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs, and in the forms of grammar,
than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no
philologer could examine them all without believing them to have sprung from
some common source which perhaps no longer exists..."(source: Discovery
of India - p 165). Prime Minister Nehru said many times that the soul
of India resided in this ancient language and its literature. I suppose every
Indian could feel proud of this language, and feel sorry that we are unable to
do to it what Israel did to a defunct language like Hebrew. Do they not use Hebrew
at all levels of teaching and learning? Don’t Russians, Germans, the French,
Japanese and Chinese have their own languages as medium of instruction in all
educational institutions and still have dynamism in every sphere?
It does not escape the attention of readers of Time of India
that this paper for quite some time it has been on BJP-bashing job; almost
every day devoting one or two of the 3-piece editorial, and in every news
report the paper’s official views interpolated into the text. In the past, BJP’s
promise if elected to rule the country, to ensure “progressive and equitable
ingredients of all personal laws” to be
picked while drawing up a Uniform Civil Code for all Indians was misrepresented
an effort to impose the will of Hindus on the Muslims in India. Ridiculous comparative
survey reports are released day by day to belittle Gujarat’s economic progress.
ToI economist had the gumption to write about the Naroda-Patiya judgement as
delivered by Gujarat High Court and get away with it! Unfortunately, such
news-views mix are “mainstreamed”; and the perceived effect of such
“mainstreaming” is a convergence of political attitudes into a core position
that is either anti-nationalist or skewed to Left or anti-national!
I have always thought that The Times Of India was in the
“business” of printing news and making money. When did they begin to adopt “Colonel”
McCormick’s maxim “its our job to print news and raise hell”? Is it
“proprietorial pique” that is reason for the obvious and constant bias?
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